

The STRENDA Commission, established in 2004, has set standards for data reporting in enzyme research with the aim to improve the quality of data published in the scientific literature. The STRENDA Guidelines were developed through extensive interactions with the biochemistry community to define the minimum information that is needed to correctly describe assay conditions  and enzyme activity data.

More than 50 international biochemical journals already include the STRENDA Guidelines in their Instructions for Authors, and STRENDA provides support to authors though an online database.

Where does STRENDA come from?

Find out more on the three main aims of the STRENDA project. 

Aiming to support authors to report kinetic and equilibrium data from their investigations of enzyme activities.

An international panel of highly-regarded scientists with diverse expertises.

International biochemistry journals that recommend authors to refer to the STRENDA Guidelines.

A storage and search platform.

Data on enzyme activities and kinetics have often been reported with insufficient experimental detail to allow their repetition. This paper discusses the objectives and recommendations of the Standards for Reporting Enzyme Data (STRENDA) project to define minimal experimental standards for the reporting enzyme functional data.

Tipton et al. (2014). Standards for Reporting Enzyme Data: The STRENDA Consortium: What it aims to do and why it should be helpful. Perspectives in Science 1: 131-137

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